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National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:56 pm
by dshasan
In $\bigtriangleup ABC$, the perpendicular bisector of $AB$ and $AC$ meet at $O$. $AO$ meets $BC$ at $D$. Now, $OD$ = $BD$ = $\dfrac {1}{3}BC$. Find the angles of $\bigtriangleup ABC$.

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:55 pm
by Thamim Zahin
Are there anyone who solve this in the exam time? Did you @dshasan?

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:19 pm
by Thamim Zahin
We know that O is the circumcenter. So, $OA=OB=OC$. And $DB=DO$. So, $ \angle DBO=\angle DOB=a$.

Take D' such that $D'C= \frac {1}{3} BC$. So, $DO=DB=DD'=D'C$.

$OB=OC$. So, $\angle OBC= \angle OCB=a$. So by $SAS$ congruence $\triangle OBD \cong \triangle OCD'$.
So, $OD=OD'$, And, $\triangle ODD'$ is equilateral. And $\angle ODD'=2a$. So, $a=30^o$. The rest are calculation.

So, $\angle BOA = 180^o-a=150^o$. So, $\angle OAB=\angle OBA= 15^o$.

And now, $\angle COA = 180^o-3a=90^o$. So, $\angle OAC=\angle OCA= 45^o$.

So, $\angle ABC=30^o+15^o= 45^o$. $\angle BCA= 30^o+45^o=75^o$.

And, $\angle CAB= 45^o+15^o= 60^o$.

Answer $(\angle A,\angle B,\angle C)=(60^o,45^o,75^o)$

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:32 pm
by dshasan
Take point E on $BC$ such that $BD = DE = EC$. Join $O, E$. Now, by $SAS$ theorem, $\bigtriangleup OCE$ is congruent to $\bigtriangleup OBD$. SO, $OD = OE =DE$ and $\bigtriangleup ODE$ is an equilateral triangle. So, $\angle OBD = \angle BOD = 30$. Again, $\angle BAD + \angle ABO + \angle OBD = 60 \Rightarrow \angle BAD + \angle ABO = 30$. Or, $\angle BAD = \angle ABO = 15$. SO, $\angle B = 45$.
Same way, we can find that $\angle C = 75$ and $\angle A = 60$.
@Thamim, yes, I solved this during exam hour. :)

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:54 pm
by Thamim Zahin
I am actually kicking me for not trying 8,9 in the exam. They both are easy.

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:28 pm
by Mamnoon Siam
Don't kick yourself. You have 1 year more to be the COC or COO. :)

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:47 pm
by ahmedittihad
How does one actually kick himself?

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:51 pm
by aritra barua
You are right,Thamim...I also feel like kicking myself for not paying much attention to this problem as I was working on other problems...or else I could have attained a bit more than being 2nd runners up......Now,This problem does need only a bit of algebraic calculations..We may let angle BAO to be y,then we may ensure that both AOB And AOC are isosceles triangles.Then by angle chasing,find angle BOD=angle OBD=angle OCD.Then by the rest angle calculations,derive an equation which follows 3y+5y+4y=180,find y =15..That fulfills our requirements of 60-75-45 angled triangle...

Re: National BDMO 2017 : Junior 8

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:32 pm
by ahmedittihad
ahmedittihad wrote:How does one actually kick himself?
This is a valid question. :D :D :D