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IMO(1995-1) Collinearity Of AM, DN and XY

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:24 pm
by Labib
Let $A, B, C,$ and $D$ be distinct points on a line, in that order. The circles
with diameters $AC$ and $BD$ intersect at $X$ and $Y$ . $O$ is an arbitrary point
on the line $XY$ but not on $AD$. $CO$ intersects the circle with diameter
$AC$ again at $M$, and $BO$ intersects the other circle again at $N$. Prove that
the lines $AM, DN,$ and $XY$ are concurrent.

Re: IMO(1995-1) Colliniarity Of AM, DN and XY

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:12 pm
by Labib
Here's my solution::
Let me denote the circles with the diameters $AC$ and $BD$ as $\Gamma _1$ and $\Gamma _2$ respectively.
IMO 1995-1.png
Figure:: IMO(1995-1) Colliniarity Of AM, DN and XY
IMO 1995-1.png (381.3KiB)Viewed 2814 times
As, $O$ lies on the radical axis of $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$, so,
$BO.NO=CO.OM$ which implies that $BCNM$ is a cyclic quadrangle.
Let, $AM\cap DN = K$ and $AD\cap XY = G$ .
As, $\angle ONK=\angle OMK=90^{\circ}$.
$OMKN$ is cyclic as well.
$OK$ is the diameter.

Now, We need to prove that, $K,O,G$ are collinear.
As, $\Delta MKO \sim \Delta OCG$,
$\Rightarrow \frac{CG.MO}{MK.CO}=\frac{GO}{CO}$.

Now, $\Delta AGM \sim \Delta AKD$ as $\angle AGM= \angle AKD$.(As $MKDG$ is cyclic)
So, $\frac{AG}{AK}=\frac{AM}{AC}$.

But, $\Delta AMC \sim \Delta COG$.


Using the converse of Menelaus's theorem for $\Delta AMC$, we conclude that, $K,O,G$ are collinear.

Re: IMO(1995-1) Collinearity Of AM, DN and XY

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:00 am
by bristy1588
my solution might be wrong, if it is, i request people to correct it:
I have denoted the point $O$ as $P$ here. Sorry for the inconvinience.

Let $T$ be the intersection of $AM$ and $XY$(extended). Now $TQ$ is the perpendicualr to $AD$.$Q$ is the foot of perpendicular from $T$ to $AD$. Now, $\angle TMC=\angle TQC=90^{\circ}.$ So, the pointd $T,M,Q,C$ are concyclic. so $\angle MTQ=\angle MCQ=\angle MCB$.
Using power of point:
$PM.PC=PX.PY=BP.BN$. Therefore, $B,C,M,N$ are concylic. Now, $\angle BCM=\angle BNM , so \angle MTP=\angle MTQ=\angle BCM= \angle BNM=\angle PNM$. Therefore, points $M,T,P,N$ are concyclic. So, $\angle PNT= 180^{\circ}-\angle PMT=90^{\circ}$. So $\angle DNP+\angle PNT=90^{\circ}+90^{\circ}=180^{\circ}$. So, $D,N,T$ are collinear, Therefore $T$ is also the point of intersection of $DN$ and $XY$.
Hopefully, proved