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BdMO H.Sec 2010. Problem 10

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:00 pm
by Zzzz
আচ্ছা, আমি কখনোই ১০ নম্বর সমস্যাটার সমাধান কোথাও দেখি নাই। নিজেও করতে পারি নাই অবশ্যই। কেউ কি দিতে পারেন?

সমস্যাটা হইলঃ

Let $a_1,a_2,…,a_k,…,a_n$ is a sequence of distinct positive real numbers such that $a_1<a_2<…<a_k$ and $a_k>a_{k+1}>…>a_n$ . A grasshopper is to jump along the real axis, starting at the point $O$ and making $n$ jumps to right of lengths $a_1,a_2,…,a_n$ respectively. Prove that, once he reaches the rightmost point, he can come back to point $O$ by making $n$ jumps to left of of lengths $a_1,a_2,…,a_n$ in some order such that he never lands on a point which he already visited while jumping to the right. (The only exceptions are point O and the rightmost point).

Re: BdMO H.Sec 2010. Problem 10

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:16 pm
by tanvirab
The case $n=1$ is trivial. Case $n=2$ is easy. Do induction with base case $n=2$.

Always try induction if the problem is concerning some finite set.

Re: BdMO H.Sec 2010. Problem 10

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:54 pm
by sourav das
Note that $min\{a_i\}\in\{a_1,a_n\}$ and all are distinct. Let the rightmost point be $R$
Then first jump $a_{n-1}$
second jump $a_{n-2}$
$i'th$ jump $a_{n-i}$ (Where $a_0=a_n$)
We'll prove that this process works.
After $i'th$ jump (for $i<n$), the distance from point $R$ is $a_{n-1}+a_{n-2}+.....+a_{n-i}$ which must lie between the distances $a_n+a_{n-1}+.....+a_{n-i+1}$ and $a_n+a_{n-1}+....+a_{n-i}$ from $R$. (as $a_n<a_{n-i}$) and at last jump the grasshopper comes to point $O$

Then first jump $a_1$
second jump $a_n$
$i'th$ jump $a_{n-i+1}$
We'll prove that this process works.
After $i'th$ jump (for $i<n$), the distance from point $R$ is $a_1+a_{n}+a_{n-2}+.....+a_{n-i+1}$ which must lie between the distances $a_n+a_{n-1}+.....+a_{n-i+1}$ and $a_n+a_{n-1}+....+a_{n-i}$ from $R$. (as $a_1<a_{n-i}$) and at last jump the grasshopper comes to point $O$

Thus in these processes, the grasshopper won't make any double steps in any point except $O$ (Proved)
Please check my solution. Am I missing any point? :?