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Cute NT ^-^

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:43 am
by Asif Hossain
Find all positive integers $x,a,b$ such that $x^a+x^b=x^{a+b}$
rewrite it as $x^a=x^b(x^a-1)$ but since $x^a \perp x^a-1$ the only possiblity is $x^a-1=1$ yieldin the only solution $(x,a,b)=(2,1,1)$.

Re: Cute NT ^-^

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 12:15 pm
by Marzuq
$x^{a} × x^{b} = x^{a+b}$
If $x^{a} = m,x^{b} = n$. Then,
$m + n = mn$
$n = m(n-1)$
Then $n-1 = 1 \rightarrow n=2$
It follows that $m=2$

So only solution $(x,a,b)=(2,1,1)$